A semester

Parts of the ship matching exercise

Ερώτηση 1 (Αντιστοίχιση — 10 βαθμοί) 

Match the parts of the ship with the definition

Στήλη Α Κάντε την αντιστοιχία Στήλη B
1. Anchor, winches are there
A. Bosun’s store
2. Storage of anchor chain
B. forecastle
3. Storage of ropes, paint, etc
C. bulkhead
4. Provides shelter for all contents of the vessel
D. upper deck
5. Divides the vessel
E. chainlocker
6. Contain cargo
F. collision bulkhead
7. Prevent vessel from flooding
G. holds
8. Contains vessel’s propulsion plant
H. double bottom
9. Provides strength, storage of fuel, luboil and ballast water
I. superstructure
10. Accommodation, messroom and galley are there
J. engine room