D semester

page 303

Fill in the gaps with the following words:

occurred / submerged/ dismantled/ alongside/ adherence/ cancelled/ revealed/ ballasted/ trimmed/ procedures

Ερώτηση 1 (Συμπλήρωση Κενών (Χαλαρή Ταυτοποίηση) — 0 βαθμοί) 

Fill in the gaps with the following words: occurred / submerged/ dismantled/ alongside/ adherence/ cancelled/ revealed/ ballasted/ trimmed/ procedures

Ερώτηση 2 (Συμπλήρωση Κενών (Αυστηρή Ταυτοποίηση) — 10 βαθμοί) 

Fill in the gaps with the following words: occurred / submerged/ dismantled/ alongside/ adherence/ cancelled/ revealed/ ballasted/ trimmed/ procedures

During a ballast operation at night, while at a shipyard in order to trim the vessel for drydocking, it was discovered that the engine room was flooded. Damage to 1 electrical equipment 2 . Furthermore, the engine room had to be cleaned after the flooding. The vessel was 3 . a shipyard for renewal hull survey. Some pipes and a main ballast pump had been 4 for maintenance. The vessel needed to be 5 , after midnight, in order to be 6 for entering into the drydock. The most probable cause of the flooding was lack of communication between the deck side and the engine room and lack of 7 to proper 8 regarding the sounding of alarms. Investigations afterwards 9 that during the ballasting, bilge alarms in the engine room sounded three times. The watch keeper 10 the alarm without going down into the engine room bottom floor to check. After some hours the deck officer discovered that the water level in the ballast tanks did not increase.