D semester


Ερώτηση 1 (Συμπλήρωση Κενών (Χαλαρή Ταυτοποίηση) — 10 βαθμοί) 

Read parts of the check list and fill in the gaps with the following words: commencement/ applicable/ disengaged/ Log/ available/ steering/ synchronized/ levels/ sufficiently/ parallel

Is main engine warmed up through ? Has turning gear been ? Are minimum of two alternators running and in ? Are all main engine coolant and lube-oil sump correct? Have gear tests been carried out in all modes and two motors left in use? Has engine room clock been with bridge? Are air start compressors running and set on auto start (where )? Is power source for mooring winches (steam, hydraulic or electrical)? Are both Bell and books available?  This checklist must be filled in prior to of stand-by.