C Semester


Ερώτηση 1 / 1 (Συμπλήρωση Κενών (Χαλαρή Ταυτοποίηση) — 10 βαθμοί) 

Fill in the gaps with the following words: absorb/ seizing / task / tenacity/antifouling /sealing/ ensure/ wear/ released/ inadequate

The main of lubrication is to reduce friction between the moving parts of an engine. In this way we better performance of the engine and reduction of Lubrication also acts as a cooling means of the metals surfaces as it can a considerable amount of heat which is from friction. It also protects the surfaces from corrosion thanks to the good lubricants have on metals. Furthermore, it assists the piston rings in the combustion chamber. lubrication could lead to of bearings and sticking of the engine. Finally, it keeps the metal surfaces clean due to the property of the lubricating oil.